A safer workplace for all employees

Safety Prequalifications

Choosing the right contractor, subcontractor, or supplier is too important to be left to chance.

Insurance Tracking

Our team helps customers manage the insurance and liability portion of their contractor base.


Portal can track the needed licenses of all companies and / or individuals who will come on to a customer’s work site.


The Portal has the flexibility to track and manage any document, certificate, and/or license that is required for any industry.

Safety Prequalifications

Choosing the right contractor, subcontractor, or supplier is too important to be left to chance. At pscportal.com, we have been safety prequalifying contractors longer than any other company in the industry.

We require contractors to fill out an on-line safety questionnaire annually. We also search public records for indications of serious incidents which the contractor did not disclose. A complete picture is necessary for an accurate evaluation.

Just because a contractor has had accidents should not automatically disqualify them. In some cases, there is no alternative to using the contractor.

Our system allows our customers to focus on what needs to be done to safely use contractors. Customers have reported that after switching to using us, not only did the number of onsite contractor accidents decrease, but the number of plant work-force incidents dropped also!

This allows our customers to intelligently manage the risks and achieve the lowest overall cost. The following example shows how the differences between contractors can be moved from an emotional discussion to a simple cost comparison.

A Real World Safety PreQualification Scenario

HPB Manufacturing Inc. is a customer of PSC. HPB has a project to remove a wall in an existing industrial plant in preparation for the installation of a new piece of equipment.

HPB selected ABC Demolition Co. and Ellder Construction to requests proposals from. One of the contractors was an existing supplier in the pscportal system, the other was contacted. Both contractors completed the required safety evaluation. Both evaluation reports were forwarded to HPB.

HPB solicited and received proposals from both companies to remove the wall. HPB reviewed the pscportal safety evaluations. Based on that review they decided that Ellder required additional attention if they were to perform the work.

PSC Safety Evaluation

ABC Demolition Co.
Ellder Construction
Overall Score
Forced High Risk Issues Identified
One serious OSHA citation

HPB Analysis

HPB review of the safety evaluation
ABC Demolition Co.
Ellder Construction
HPB review of the pscportal.com safety evaluation
Fine as is, no special handling required
After reviewing the PSC evaluation report, we do not feel the citation is something we need to be concerned about. However, when we review the areas which caused their overall score to be lower, we feel the contractor does not focus on safety enough. To make them equivalent to Bidder 1, we would have to require the contractor to hold daily tool box meetings at the beginning of the work shift. A HPB employee would have to attend these meetings to discuss issues in the plant. In addition, HPB would also want to have one of our people randomly observe the work to be sure safety rules are being followed.
Estimated additional cost to work with this bidder
$ 3,000
Effective cost of working with this Bidder

Why Safety Prequalify Suppliers?

Saves Lives And Reduces Injuries

Identifies Suppliers With Strong Safety History / Culture

Provides Safer Environment For Employees And Contractors

Lowers Long-Term Costs

Reduces Likelihood Of Project Downtime Due To Contractor Injuries / Illnesses

Insurance Tracking

Our team helps customers develop and manage their contractor insurance requirements. Understanding and managing liabilities can be one of the most critical and costly issues that a company can face.

When we start work with a new customer location, it is not uncommon for only 10% of the insurance certificates we initially receive to be in compliance. However, we review all the documents, determine what information is needed, and work with contactors to get them into compliance. It often takes several passes to get the contractor into compliance. After working with the contractors, we are typically able to achieve over 93% compliance.

Documents In Compliance


Before PSC


After PSC

Using PSC, customers can determine at a glance whether a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier has the required insurance for the work being performed. If the certificate of insurance is inadequate or lacking in key information, our team will contact the party and get the necessary information to bring them into compliance.

We Help Customers Understand The Level Of Risk They Are Undertaking

The Portal has the flexibility to track and manage any document, certificate, and/or license that is required for any industry. If there is a specific document that needs to be tracked, please let us know what you need.


By keeping track of all documentation from contractors and subcontractors, PSC helps companies reduce their injury rate, reduce their insurance liability, and increase productivity. The Portal has the flexibility to track and manage any document, certificate, and/or license that is required for any industry.

If there is a specific document that needs to be tracked, please let us know what you need. If a contractor or sub-contractor is not in compliance, our team will immediately notify the customer so that high risk vendors or suppliers can be identified and prevented from working until they return to compliance.

The Portal Has The Flexibility To Track Any Document

  • Business Licenses: Local (typically city and state) licenses to do contracting
  • Document Transmittal: Notifications to suppliers like plant COVID requirements
  • EHS Program: Signed acceptance of location’s EHS Program
  • Emergency Med Agree: Signed acceptance of how injured contractor employees will be handled
  • ELCT: Employee licenses, certifications, and training
  • Legal Residence: Signed guarantee identifying employees who may potentially come onsite and that all are legal residents
  • Legal Residence2: Advance Legal Residence tracking
  • NDA Acknowledgement: Signed Non-disclosure agreements
  • Safety Policy: Signed acceptance of location’s safety procedure
  • Site Conditions: Communicates plant requirements to all on-site (typically contractors) and requires compliance.
  • Terms & Conditions: Contract terms agreed to before individual contracts are issued.
  • US EPLS: Verify contractors are not on the US government excluded party list system
  • Ontario WSIB: Verification that contractor is in compliance with Workplace Safety and Insurance Board requirements
  • WCB Clearance: Verification that contractor is in compliance with Workers’ Compensation Board
  • ISO Requirements Acknowledgment: Signed acceptance to comply with location’s ISO requirements.